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Mold Assessment


In 2015 New York State signed into law the process to be followed for addressing a mold condition inside of your home. The process requires both a State certified Mold Assessor and a State certified Mold Remediator. A remediation contractor cannot legally perform mold remediation without a remediation protocol drafted by a State certified mold assessor.
Clawback Environmental is a mold assessment company.

The steps for mold assessment and remediation are as follows:

  1. Mold Assessment: A typical mold assessment inspection takes between 25-45 minutes to complete. A thorough inspection of your home is conducted from the basement to the attic in an effort to identify the sources for what may be causing the mold inside of your home to take root and blossom. Mold samples may be taken if necessary to confirm the presence of mold inside your home.

  2. Remediation Protocol: Is a written document drafted by a State certified mold assessor which outlines step by step the work to be performed by the remediation contractor.

  3. Remediation: A State certified remediation contractor comes to remove the mold from your home being sure to follow the written protocol as provided by the State certified mold assessor. Remediation project times can vary with the average remediation time being 4-5 days to complete.

  4. Post Sampling for Mold: It is recommended once remediation has been completed to have the mold assessor return to your home to take a post sample to ensure the remediation was done properly and that your home is now free from mold.

Mold Assessment

Fee $350
  • Up to 3K sq ft, single family
  •  Sample Fee: $75.00 (per sample)

​Remediation Protocol 

(if needed)
Fee $350
  • **Bundled services customers receive a 10% discount.​
  • **As courtesy for your repeat business post sample testing fees are discounted by 10%.

Commercial Mold Assessment

Starting At
Fee $500

ERMI Testing

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ERMI Testing ERMI stands for Environmental Relative Moldiness Index. It’s a standardized, DNA-based method for estimating mold contamination. ERMI testing involves collecting dust samples from a home and sending them to a lab for analysis. The lab compares the results to the ERMI values to determine the amount of mold in the home.

The ERMI test uses a mold-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (MSQPCR) method to quantify 36 types of mold. The results are then compared to a database of reference homes.

ERMI Testing

Fee $795
  • Up To 3,000sq ft
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