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Water Testing

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The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) recommends homeowners test their water at least annually for bacteria, nitrates, and any contaminants of local concern.

There are two types of water testing. A Basic Profile and an Expanded Profile.

Basic Profile: The test for Total Coliform bacteria is one of the most common tests performed on drinking water. The presence of Total Coliform in 100 milliliters of drinking water is unsanitary. If Coliform bacteria are detected in the sample the method of testing we perform requires additional confirming cultures of the initial growth and differentiation of any E. Coli that may also be present. If samples are found to be unsanitary the private sector would be recommended to re-sample and confirm the problem, If sanitizing the well does not work there is equipment to correct it.

Expanded Profile: is for homeowners who want a more comprehensive analysis of their homes water safety profile. An Expanded profile includes: An analysis for total coliform bacteria including, lead, copper iron, ph, hardness and conductivity.

Lead: The toxic effects of lead are well known. Even though lead is banned in any plumbing material, it still remains in existing plumbing and old fixtures. Lead has also been found in water samples from newly constructed homes as well as imported newer fixtures.

Copper: Copper is a major component of plumbing material and if conditions are not good copper can leach out of the pipes into the water where it will stain fixtures and other materials.

Iron: Iron is a major contributor to poor water quality. While iron is basic nutrient ts presence in drinking water at very low levels is usually the source of bad taste and much staining.

PH: One of the most basic water quality indicators pH is used to determine if things are potentially corrosive. Pure water has a pH of 7. The normal range of pH is 6.5 to 8.5 expressed as pH.

Hardness: Total hardness is a measurement of calcium and magnesium, two of the most abundant elements on earth. 0-70 ppm is soft water, 70 to 140 is moderately hard, 140 to 300 is hard, and 300+ is very hard water.

Conductivity: Conductivity is a good water quality indicator. Values less than 500 are desirable. Conductivity measures the ability of the water to conduct current and varies depending on the concentration of dissolved ions.

if you wish to test for other elements or contaminates please contact our office at (914) 673-6920.
Fees For:

Water Testing - Basic Profile

Fee $275

Water Testing - Expanded Profile

Fee $450
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